We invite all representatives of cities, regions, ministries, public administration institutions, universities, NGOs, planning companies and other stakeholders and experts in the field of sustainable mobility to an international conference to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the network CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics.

The conference "CIVINET X: Transforming Mobility for a Sustainable Urban Future" will take place on 14 and 15 November 2024 in Brno, Czechia.

The CIVINET conference is the leading event in Czechia focused on sustainable urban mobility, providing cities and regions with the opportunity to draw inspiration in the field of transport from Czechia, Slovakia and other European countries, discuss with mobility practitioners and decision-makers from the public and private sector and to present their successes in promoting the development of sustainable mobility and climate neutrality. Use this unique opportunity and attend the biggest CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics conference to date! Guests from outside Czechia and Slovakia are invited to attend the FIRST CONFERENCE DAY on 14 November 2024, which will be held in English.

The official partner of the conference is the Statutory City of Brno, a member of the governing board of the CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics.

The conference is held under the auspices of the Mayor of Brno, JUDr. Markéta Vaňková.


  • Panel discussions and more than 40 insightful contributions focusing on sustainable urban mobility challenges, successes, and lessons learned
  • Good practice examples shared by our members
  • Insight into the CIVITAS community and other national CIVITAS networks (CIVINETs)
  • Inspirational mobility measures and practical examples from different European regions
  • Lectures by experts from the Transport Research Centre on sustainable urban mobility planning challenges
  • Sustainable mobility innovations showcase


Download the Program


Passes and Prices:

Day 1 (14/11/2024): 120 euro*
Day 2 (15/11/2024): 60 euro*
Both days: 160 euro*

The participation fee includes conference materials, refreshments and any accompanying program and evening reception (by invitation only). Participants are responsible for arranging and paying for their accommodation.

*Conversion: EU to CZK conversion at the current exchange rate of 25,-/1€:

Full members of CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics have FREE admission to the conference (max. two representatives per city, both days).

Associated members of CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics pay 50% of the full ticket price (one representative per member).

A condition for claiming free or reduced admission is to enter the previously received code when registering.


14 November 2024: Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2 Brno

The second day of the conference (15 November 2024) will be held in Czech and is for participants from Czechia and Slovakia only.


Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation during the conference. To help you with your choice, we’ve prepared a list of recommended hotels in various parts of Brno, including the city center and the area near the Brno Exhibition Centre:

City Center:

Near the Exhibition Centre:

  • OREA Hotel Voro Brno – Comfortable and affordable accommodation close to the Exhibition Centre. []
  • Fairhotel – A stylish hotel with excellent access to the Exhibition Centre.[]
  • Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Centre – A modern hotel conveniently located next to the Exhibition Centre.[]


For any questions, please contact us at:

Mgr. Michal Bajgart
+420 728 773 639

Mgr. Alena Klímová
+420 541 641 234

Conference partner:


Gold Sponsors:

O nás
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i.
Líšeňská 33a
636 00 Brno
Manažer sítě CIVINET Česká a Slovenská republika: Statutární město Olomouc
Sekretariát CIVINET Česká a Slovenská republika: Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i.
Partneři CIVINET Česká a Slovenská republika: Ministerstvo dopravy ČR, Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky

Ochrana osobních údajů
Copyright © 2024
CIVINET Česká a Slovenská republika je součástí iniciativy CIVITAS, programu financovaného EU, který usiluje o to, aby se udržitelná a inteligentní mobilita stala realitou pro všechny. Více informací –